The Power of Fasting

The Corona Virus has attacked our world and society but we have fought back. The world organizations and governments have helped institute social policies and technologies which have helped slow the growth rate of new contractions.  These efforts along with the efforts of individuals throughout or world community have begun to flatten the curve of infection rates and heal our country.  However, before we begin to “pat our own backs”, let us not forget the power of God in his ability to rescue us temporally as well as his continued power to deliver us spiritually.  As an example, the world led by its prophet, President Russell M Nelson, petitioned God through a worldwide fast to heal us and control the growth of the virus. These fasts have been accepted by God and the control of the virus has been seen in miraculous ways.

President Nelson requested at a General Conference on April 4th 2020, that the world participate in a worldwide fast on April 10th. At the time of his announcement the virus was growing exponentially throughout the world – each day the growth of new incidences of COVID-19 was greater than any previous days. He made the following plea to the world:

“I invite all, including those not of our faith, to fast and pray on Good Friday, April 10, that the present pandemic may be controlled, caregivers protected, the economy strengthened, and life normalized.”

The Lord answered our fasting and prayers in a miraculous way.  Starting the week of April 11th, the number of new cases of Covid-19, both in our nation and the world, leveled out and has declined since that date.  This flattening of the curve alleviated the fear that hospitals would be overrun by new patients needing limited rooms and scarce ventilators.   

See graphs below illustrating the flattening of the virus curve in the US and world.

There is still much we need to do to get back to normal life.  We are still fighting this virus and our economy has been battered.  However, we can take hope in the fact that God watches over His children and that our prayers and fasting have power.  The Lord promised that the fast was intended to “loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke” (Isaiah 58:6).   We have seen a most monumental miracle in how the Lord has lightened our physical burdens during this pandemic.